The 2017 Winners

The State of the Arts Scholarship winner for 2017 is Victoria Hill. Miss Hill plans to study to vocal performance. Besides being an outstanding student and volunteer in her community, she has won multiple awards including first place in the Schmidt Vocal Competition in 2017.

The Dickinson Memorial Scholarship winner for 2017 is Adam Barker. Mr. Barker plans to major in Music and Business. He is a National Merit Finalist, National Rural Electric Cooperative Youth Delegate, a National Youth Orchestra Inaugural Member, Ozark Festival Orchestra Young Artist first place winner, Missouri Federation of Music Clubs State Competition first place winner, community volunteer, music instructor, and scholar.

The 2017 Mason Lighthouse Scholarship winner in Katayla Mongold. Miss Mongold plans to study music. She volunteers as a tutor, with Samaritan’s Purse assisting storm victims, with the Retired Senior Volunteer Program, with veterans, foster children, and the Summers Arts Institute, logging over 2,500 volunteer hours in highschool.

A Merit Award was given to Jennifer Musgrove. Miss Musgrove plans to study art.

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